

Shah, Avni M. & Xinlong Li (equal authorship, 2024) “‘The Last Hurrah Effect: End-of-Period Temporal Landmarks Increase Financial Risk-Taking.Forthcoming at the Journal of Marketing Research. [PDF]

Shah, Avni M., Matthew Osborne, Dilip Soman, Jaclyn Lefkowitz, Andrew Fertig & Alissa Fishbane (2024). “The Beneficent and Maleficent Effects of Simplification: Evidence of Fluency Amplification Effects on Retirement Savings Contributions.” Forthcoming at the Journal of Consumer Research. [PDF]

Shah, Avni M., Matthew Osborne, Dilip Soman, Jaclyn Lefkowitz, Andrew Fertig & Alissa Fishbane (2023). “Identifying Heterogeneity Using Recursive Partitioning: Evidence from SMS Nudges Encouraging Voluntary Retirement Savings in Mexico. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Nexus 2(5): PNAS: Nexus (Link) [PDF]

**Behavioral Science and Policy Publication Award for Innovation in Behavioral Policy (Honorable Mention), awarded May 2023

Shah, Avni M.  & W. Benedict McCartney (2023), "Can Neighborhood Social Interactions Improve Policy Diffusion? Evidence from Refinance Decisions." Journal of the Association of Consumer Research 8(4), 403-415. JACR (Link). [PDF]

McCartney, W. Benedict & Avni M. Shah (2022), “‘Household Mortgage Refinance Decisions are Neighbor Influenced, Especially Along Racial Lines,Journal of Urban Economics 128, 103409 JUE (Link) [PDF]

Vohs, Kathleen D. & Avni M. Shah (2022), “‘Editorial: A Review of Emerging Trends in Self-Control and Goals: Introducing the FRESH Framework.” The Behavioral Economics Guide 2022, (Link) [PDF]

Shah, Avni M., Noah Eisenkraft, James R. Bettman & Tanya L. Chartrand (2016), “‘Paper or Plastic’: How We Pay Influences Post-transaction Connection,” Journal of Consumer Research 42 (February), 688-708. JCR (Link) [PDF]

Shah, Avni M., James R. Bettman, Peter A. Ubel, Punam Anand Keller & Julie A. Edell (2014). “Surcharges Plus Unhealthy Labels Reduce Demand for Unhealthy Menu Items,” Journal of Marketing Research 51 (December), 773-789. JMR (Link) [PDF] 

Shah, Avni M. & George Wolford. (2007). “Buying Behavior as a Function of Parametric Variation in Number of Choices,” Psychological Science 18 (5): 369-370. (Lead Article) [PDF]

Invited Revisions & Working Papers

Shah, Avni M., Hal Hershfield, David Munguia Gomez, & Alissa Fishbane. “Testing the Effectiveness of a Future Selves Intervention for Increasing Retirement Saving: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Mexico.Under review [PDF] 

Shah, Avni M. & Katy A. DeCelles (equal authorship). “‘The Mental Accounting of Space: Visual Landmarks Increase Employee Safety Compliance.Revising for Resubmission. [PDF] 

Shah, Avni M., James R. Bettman & John Payne “How the Pain of Payment Can Magnify and Mitigate Choice Overload Effects." Reject & Resubmit, Marketing Science. 

Shah, Avni M., James R. Bettman, Tanya L. Chartrand, Noah C. Eiskenkraft & Kathleen D. Vohs. “‘It Can Bring Us Closer and Tear Us Apart:’ How the Pain of Payment Affects Interpersonal Rapport and Commitment.”

Shah, Avni M. “How the Pain of Payment Influences Opportunity Cost Consideration.”